
Campaign feature is intended to send a single message text to multiple destination numbers via a single API request. The Campaign API supports sending messages up to 100 000 destination numbers with one campaign.

Messages to all recipients may not be delivered instantly. Messages are dequeued for delivery based on the rate limits configured for the account.

Campaign endpoints are meant to send and monitor campaigns scheduled by the account.

Method: Query

Operation to query all campaigns.

URL /v1/campaigns
Method Type GET
Authorization API Key
Request Content-Type JSON
Response Content-Type JSON


Name Type Description Status
X-Dexatel-Key string API key Required

Query parameters

Name Type Description Status
page_token string token with encoded pagination details Optional
page_size string number of records to be retrieved Optional
filter[channel] string Optional

Request Body


Response Parameters

Name Type Description
data array


(see data object below)
pagination object


(see pagination object below)
data object
Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier of the campaign
account_id string Unique identifier of the account
template_id string Unique identifier of the template
audience_id string Unique identifier of the audience
name string Unique name of the campaign
status string Status of the campaign.
Possible values:
• scheduled
• in_progress
• completed
• failed
• canceled
schedule string Scheduled date if there is any
channel string Delivery channel of the massage. Possible values:
create_date string Creation date of the campaign in UTC, formatted as yyyyMM-dd HH:mm:ss
update_date string Update date of the campaign in UTC, formatted as yyyyMM-dd HH:mm:ss
pagination object
Name Type Description
number integer Number of current page
size integer Items count in page
total integer Total count of items
links object


(see links object below)
links object
Name Type Description
first string
current string
previous string
next string

Example of request body

GET: /v1/campaigns
X-Dexatel-Key: 94d2f2f2884848bca861264ad86d8ace

Example of response body

status - 200


Error Codes

The following error codes are returned in response to a user’s request which contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled.

Code Description
1522 Schedule date should be after current date
1601 Campaign is not found
1602 Invalid campaign identifier
1603 'data.from' is required
1604 'data.from' is invalid
1605 'data.audience' is required
1606 'data.audience' is invalid
1607 'data.template' is required
1608 'data.template' is invalid
1609 'data.schedule' is invalid
1611 'data.status' can not be changed
1612 Campaign cannot be deleted
1613 Campaign audience and template do not match
1616 Template ID does not exist for this channel
1617 Audience ID does not exist for this channel