DexatelSMS Firewall

Safeguard your text messaging track with the Dexatel SMS Firewall. Our SMS security solution blocks potential threats to ensure reliable communication.

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Why You Need Dexatelas a Telecom

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Premium Protection AgainstSMS-Based Messaging Attacks

Our A2P SMS Firewall uses machine learning algorithms to detect and block all types of messaging threats. We guarantee secure and reliable communication for you and your customers while boosting mobile operator safety.

Anti-SMS Phishing Guard for Cyber-Security Attacks

The Dexatel SMS Firewall serves as an anti-smishing guard that protects against messaging scams and other threats. With advanced algorithms, it identifies and blocks any SMS phishing attempts, safeguarding your messaging infrastructure and allowing your customers to trust every text you send them.

SMS Spam Blocking to Reduce Unsolicited Messages

Illicit messages are automatically detected and no longer an issue with the SMS Firewall. This includes blocking spam and messaging frauds so that only safe content reaches your audience. The system guarantees customer protection by automatically detecting suspicious patterns and emerging threats.

Link Scanning to Block Malicious URLs and SMS Fraud

The SMS Firewall uses URL scanning to deflect text messages with malicious links. By analyzing embedded links in SMS messages, the system proactively blocks threats and SMS attacks. We minimize security concerns and fraudulent activities while enhancing subscriber experience.

Protection Against A2P Grey Routing for Secure Mobile Networks

Our SMS Firewall offers specialized protection against A2P SMS grey route traffic. This comprehensive solution detects and prevents unauthorized routes. As a result, it fortifies the security of your network, the integrity of mobile operators, and maintains the reliability of your communication infrastructure.

What to Expect from Dexatel’sSMS Firewall Capabilities

The Dexatel SMS Firewall offers cutting-edge capabilities that elevate the performance of your text messaging while enhancing network security for mobile network operators.

Cross-Protocol Support

Dexatel’s SMS Firewall's cross-protocol support guarantees compatibility with different messaging protocols. It allows your communication system to accommodate various standards for comprehensive protection.

Cross-Protocol Support

Real-Time Analytics

Leverage real-time analytics to gain direct insights into messaging traffic patterns and potential security risks. This enables you to proactively safeguard your SMS traffic and have a spam-free network environment.

Real-Time Analytics

Flexible Deployment

Our SMS Firewall solution offers flexibility in deployment to suit your infrastructure needs, whether on-premise or cloud-based. It offers seamless integration that adapts to your shifting business messaging ecosystem.

Flexible Deployment

A2P Traffic Monetization

The SMS Firewall allows you to monetize your A2P SMS traffic and prevent revenue leakage. This way, you get to optimize the revenue potential and enhance the financial performance of your messaging strategy.

A2P Traffic Monetization

How the Dexatel SMS Firewall Works

SMS Traffic Inspection

Dexatel’s fully managed SMS Firewall starts with an inspection process, evaluating the legitimacy of incoming traffic and detecting security threats.

Filtering Protocols

The SMS Firewall solution leverages advanced filtering protocols to carefully distinguish between genuine SMS messages and fraudulent messages.

Blocking Threats

Our SMS Firewall allows only genuine content to pass through, blocking grey routes, unwanted SMS spam, and other SMS-based messaging attacks.

Why You Need Dexatel’s SMS FirewallTop Advantages

Full Regulatory Compliance

Dexatel’s SMS Firewall guarantees regulatory compliance with global security standards.

Reduced Ownership Costs

Our solution eliminates the need for setting up in-house SMS firewalls and anti-spam software.

Higher Revenue Potential

By blocking authorized A2P messages, our security solution helps unlock revenue opportunities.

Better Customer Experience

Protect subscribers from SMS fraud, creating a secure and seamless customer experience.

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