
How Big Data Elevates Enterprise Customer Support

Dikran Seferian
Dikran SeferianContent Writer

Published: Jan 9, 2024

Enterprise Customer Support

Customer experience is a top priority for most businesses. And to improve how customers perceive your business, you need data—particularly big data. In an enterprise setting, big data is closely linked to customer experience. It is an indispensable tool in customer service operations. But the volume of data that businesses can access is growing year after year, and it makes sense for companies to take advantage of these massive datasets. Here's all you need to know about big data in enterprise customer support, including its role and benefits. 

Understanding Big Data in Customer Service

Big data refers to large and complex datasets that go beyond the capabilities of traditional data processing methods. It involves gathering, storing, and analyzing massive volumes of data from various sources. The main characteristics of big data are volume, velocity, and variety. 

  • Volume refers to the enormous amount of information, even from individual sources

  • Velocity means that the data is coming in fast, and has to be handled just as fast

  • Variety means that the data originates from different sources and in various formats

In enterprise customer service, big data is the collection, analysis, and usage of vast and diverse datasets to boost the quality, efficiency, and personalization of customer support processes. Businesses can use methods like advanced analytics and machine learning to gain valuable insights that allow them to optimize support strategies. Ultimately, big data plays an integral role in promoting a positive customer experience.

The Role of Big Data in Enterprise Customer Support

Predictive Analytics

Big data allows for predictive analytics in enterprise customer service. It assesses historical data to pinpoint patterns and potential problems before they arise. As they examine customer interactions and feedback, businesses can predict common issues. This lets them address issues proactively and improve customer experience.

Suppose the data of a car and truck rental business—like Enterprise Rent-a-Car—revealed a recurring technical glitch in the mobile application, preventing customers from requesting roadside assistance. The company's customer service team can take preemptive measures to avoid similar issues later on, enhancing the reliability of the car rental app. Predictive analytics also allows businesses to forecast trends and consumer behavior, helping them make proactive decisions and assist customers accordingly.

Data-Driven Customer Insights

In customer support, big data plays a key role in extracting valuable insights from various datasets. It allows companies to understand customer behavior, interactions, and preferences across different channels, like SMS, WhatsApp Business, or Instagram Direct Messenger. By evaluating this data, businesses get a complete view of customer journeys and pain points. This allows them to make informed decisions and enhance customer service strategies. 

Operation Optimization

Streamlining customer support processes helps big data optimize operations. Businesses can use data-driven insights to find bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement. They can then optimize workflows, response times, and resource allocation to boost the efficiency of their customer support teams. 

By identifying peak support hours, businesses can allocate resources accordingly and guarantee timely responses during those time frames.  

Product Development

Another area that big data contributes to is product development. Businesses can analyze datasets regarding market trends and consumer behaviors to make informed decisions about product features, functionalities, and positioning.

Big data allows companies to develop products that not only align with current market demands but also meet future needs. Companies use data-driven insights throughout the product development process to ensure that their solutions satisfy customer preferences. 

Customer Journey Mapping

Not only that, but big data analytics makes it easy for businesses to map and optimize the customer journey. They can assess data across various touch points to gain valuable insights into how consumers interact with their products or services. With an understanding of the customer journey, these organizations can identify pain points, streamline processes, and boost customer satisfaction.

Let’s say the same rental car company's data shows a drop-off in customer engagement during a certain onboarding step. The business can work on refining that process to guarantee a smooth experience, prevent any frustration, and boost engagement. 

Segmentation and Targeting

The role of big data in customer service extends to audience segmentation as well. Businesses can segment their customers based on several criteria, like demographics, interactions, and purchase history. This allows them to target specific groups with tailored support solutions.

For example, support teams can find a group of customers having similar issues and deploy targeted resources. Big data facilitates this process, ensuring efficient problem resolution and a positive customer experience. 

8 Benefits of Big Data in Enterprise Customer Service

1. Improved Personalization

Big data analyzes large datasets to understand the history, behavior, and preferences of each customer. Businesses can then use this insight to tailor their interactions, providing customized support, content, and recommendations. This higher level of personalization promotes a stronger connection between the brand and the customer, boosting loyalty, satisfaction, and the likelihood of repeat business.

2. Proactive Issue Resolution

By assessing historical data to predict potential issues, big data allows for proactive problem resolution. It helps businesses recognize common issues and take measures to stop them on their tracks, like upgrading products or services before they become obsolete. This approach prevents customers from getting frustrated. It also minimizes support ticket volumes and leads to a more efficient and responsive customer service operation. 

3. Streamlined Omnichannel Support

Another main benefit of big data is that it contributes to streamlined omnichannel support. It integrates data from various customer touch points, including voice, email, X, SMS communications, and more. This unified view guarantees a seamless and consistent customer experience across all channels. Support teams can get access to customer information in real time, allowing them to offer effective assistance via the customer’s preferred communication channel. 

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4. Real-Time Customization

Big data makes it possible to customize interactions in real time by analyzing data as it generates. In other words, businesses can adjust their support strategies on the fly, responding to evolving customer needs and preferences instantly. This helps in making interactions more relevant, ensuring customers get the most tailored and up-to-date support. The result is improved satisfaction and brand perception. 

5. Continuous Improvement

By providing ongoing insights into customer interactions and feedback, big data allows companies to keep enhancing their strategies. They can analyze everything from performance metrics to customer satisfaction scores to pinpoint areas for improvement. This approach makes it easy for businesses to adapt their approaches, refine processes, and apply changes that support the ongoing enhancement of customer service. 

6. Scalability and Flexibility

The scalability and flexibility of big data play a major role in catering to the growing demands of enterprise customer support. As customer bases expand, big data technologies can accommodate increasing amounts of data and adapt to changing business needs. This ensures that customer support systems can effectively scale with the company—even as operational demands shift over time. 

7. Cost Reduction

Using big data in enterprise customer service can save the company a great deal of money. By analyzing large datasets, businesses can pinpoint inefficiencies and get rid of redundancies in their customer service processes. Moreover, automating routine tasks—like addressing common inquiries—allows companies to allocate resources more cost-effectively. Predictive analytics can also lead to cost savings as they help prevent issues before they escalate.

8. Resource Optimization

The final benefit of big data is resource optimization. Equipped with insights into customer behavior and preferences, businesses can optimize resources in customer support. They can make data-driven decisions to allocate human resources more effectively based on peak hours and expected demand. Automation and self-service options can handle routine questions, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex and high-value interactions. 

5 Best Practices for Using Big Data

1. Be Mindful of Data Privacy

When using big data for enterprises, it’s absolutely important to stay compliant with data privacy regulations like the GDPR. Businesses should take solid security measures to protect sensitive customer information—including phone numbers. This means establishing clear policies for data access, carrying out regular audits, and using strong encryption. Companies must also be transparent in how they handle customer data to form a level of trust, which is essential in fostering a positive customer experience. 

2. Get Skilled Personnel to Handle Analytics

Having skilled professionals to handle big data analytics is crucial for extracting useful insights in customer support. Businesses need to invest in training or hiring experts in statistics, data analysis, and machine learning. These specialists know how to interpret complex datasets, identify patterns, and gather actionable insights that contribute to a better customer experience. The combination of analytical skills and domain expertise allows the support team to make data-driven decisions, enhancing problem resolution and customer satisfaction. 

3. Balance Automation and Human Elements

In big data customer support, businesses must strike a balance between automation and human touch. There’s no denying that automation is incredibly efficient at handling routine tasks and providing quick answers to common questions. However, human agents bring empathy and unique problem-solving skills to more complex matters. Finding the right balance guarantees efficiency in addressing a large volume of queries without having to sacrifice the personalized and empathetic elements of customer interactions. 

4. Invest in Scalable Infrastructure

As the volume of customer data grows, a scalable infrastructure allows for seamless expansion while maintaining performance levels and catering to evolving customer support needs. That’s where cloud-based solutions come in handy, providing flexibility and enabling companies to scale their infrastructure up or down according to demand. This guarantees that the customer support system can handle growing data loads without compromising on speed or reliability. 

5. Integrate and Centralize Data

Integrating and centralizing customer data from different sources such as their phone number or website is key for the effective usage of big data in customer support. With centralization, businesses get a comprehensive view of customer interactions and gain a more holistic understanding of their needs and preferences. This approach allows for seamless analytics, helping businesses derive relevant insights and create personalized customer experiences. As for integration, it minimizes data silos and encourages collaboration across various departments, making sure the support process covers all touchpoints.