Text Message Marketing Guide: The All-in-One Handbook

Guide to SMS Marketing

There’s no denying that SMS marketing has emerged as a highly effective and efficient means of engaging with your target audience. Whether you are a small business owner or a marketing professional looking to harness the power of mobile communication, our comprehensive guide will equip you with the essential knowledge and strategies to embark on a successful marketing SMS journey.

From understanding the intricacies of targeting a specific audience to integrating SMS ads into your marketing strategy, this guide will provide you with valuable insights, practical tips, and best practices to unlock its full potential.

What is SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing is a powerful digital marketing strategy that revolves around sending text messages to both prospective and current customers. Its versatility allows businesses to promote their offers, share exclusive deals, and keep customers well-informed. Leveraging SMS for marketing purposes proves to be highly impactful as it enables precise targeting of specific demographics and geographical areas.

What sets it apart is its permission-based nature, ensuring that businesses communicate only with customers who have willingly opted-in to receive messages. This level of permission makes marketing via SMS more focused and efficacious compared to alternative channels like email or display advertising. By embracing this channel, businesses can establish direct and personalized connections with their target audience, enhancing customer engagement and driving desired outcomes. With its rapid delivery and widespread adoption, SMS emerges as a convenient and efficient means of engaging with audiences.

Harnessing SMS for marketing purposes empowers businesses to execute diverse campaigns encompassing enticing promotions, personalized offers, and timely updates. Leveraging these campaigns allows them to effectively showcase their products and services while nurturing robust and enduring customer connections.

The Most Common Types of SMS Marketing

There are various types of SMS marketing strategies that businesses can employ to engage with their target audience. But when it comes to context, two categories stand out: promotional SMS messages and transactional SMS messages.

1. Promotional SMS Messages

Promotional SMS is a popular type of marketing that businesses use to promote their products, services, offers, or events directly to their target audience. It’s a cost-effective and efficient way for businesses to reach a large audience instantly, create awareness about their products or services, and drive customer engagement and sales.

These types of texts are concise and to the point, typically limited to 160 characters per message. The content focuses on delivering a compelling offer, discount, or promotion that entices recipients to take action.

A strong and clear call to action is essential in promotional SMS messages. It prompts recipients to act immediately, such as making a purchase, visiting a website, or redeeming a coupon code.

Timing also plays a crucial role in promotional SMS. Sending messages at the right time when recipients are most likely to engage increases the effectiveness of the campaign. However, it's important to balance frequency to avoid overwhelming or annoying customers with excessive messages.

Promotional SMS messages can be targeted based on various criteria, such as demographic data, previous purchases, or customer preferences. This allows businesses to tailor their messages to specific segments of their audience, increasing relevance and engagement.

Adding a personal touch to promotional SMS, such as addressing recipients by name or tailoring offers based on their preferences, can enhance engagement and increase the likelihood of conversions.

You can track and analyze your promotional campaigns to measure their effectiveness. By monitoring metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, you can assess the success of their campaigns and make data-driven improvements.

2. Transactional Messages

Transactional messages are a type of SMS communication that businesses send to customers to provide important and time-sensitive information related to their transactions or interactions. They are crucial for building trust, providing transparency, and improving customer satisfaction. By promptly delivering important updates and information, businesses can enhance the overall customer experience and maintain a positive brand image.

These types of messages are triggered by specific customer actions or events like purchase confirmations, order updates, shipping notifications, account alerts, or password resets. Their primary purpose is to deliver critical information and enhance the customer's overall experience.

They typically contain concise and relevant information related to the specific transaction, such as order ID, item descriptions, payment summaries, delivery status, or account updates. The content is straightforward and focuses on providing valuable information rather than promotional offers.

Transactional messages are sent in real time or near real time to ensure timely communication with customers. For example, an order confirmation SMS often goes out immediately after a purchase is made, while a shipping notification is sent when the package is dispatched.

Oftentimes, they include a confirmation or verification element to ensure that customers are informed about the successful completion of their transaction. This instills confidence and provides reassurance to customers.

Businesses must comply with relevant regulations and privacy policies when sending transactional messages. While promotional messages usually require opt-in consent, transactional messages are typically considered essential communications related to a customer's interaction with the business.

To streamline the process, businesses often create pre-designed templates for various transactional message types. These templates ensure consistency in messaging, improve efficiency, and enable automated delivery of messages.

How does SMS Marketing Work?

Text marketing effectively targets a specific audience and functions as a crucial component of a mobile marketing strategy, offering businesses a direct and impactful means of communication in the digital age.

It Targets a Specific Audience

First, businesses must collect phone numbers and obtain consent from customers to receive SMS marketing messages. This opt-in process ensures that the audience is willing to receive promotional or informational content.

Then, they must segment their customer base based on demographics, interests, past purchasing behavior, or other relevant criteria. This segmentation allows them to send tailored messages to specific groups, increasing the relevance and effectiveness of their SMS campaigns.

Sending personalized SMS messages is always a preferable option since it fosters a stronger connection with the audience. Also, the campaign can be scheduled strategically to reach the audience at optimal times. For example, sending messages during peak shopping hours or based on specific time zones can increase the chances of recipients seeing and responding to the messages.

It Acts as a Part of a Mobile Marketing Strategy

SMS in marketing also acts as a crucial component of a broader mobile marketing strategy. The messages are designed to be concise, attention-grabbing, and easy to read on mobile devices. They often include links to mobile-optimized landing pages or websites to provide a seamless user experience.

Moreover, SMS can be integrated with email marketing or social media campaigns. Cross-channel integration ensures consistent messaging and reinforces the overall marketing strategy.

Businesses can incorporate two-way messaging, enabling recipients to respond to messages, provide feedback, or engage in real-time conversations, creating a sense of customer engagement and personalized interaction.

SMS marketing platforms provide analytics and tracking features, allowing businesses to monitor key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and ROI. These insights help evaluate the effectiveness of SMS campaigns and make data-driven decisions for optimizing future strategies.

Marketing platforms often offer automation capabilities, enabling businesses to automate SMS campaigns based on triggers or specific events. Personalization features allow businesses to deliver customized messages at scale, enhancing the overall mobile marketing strategy.

Top 8 Benefits of Marketing via SMS

As you’d expect, marketing via SMS comes with a myriad of benefits. We’ve compiled a list of the key advantages to break it down for you.

1. Fastest and Simple Way to Reach Customers Directly

Not only is text marketing widely recognized as the fastest and simplest way to reach customers directly, but it also provides businesses with a direct line of communication to engage with their target audience. With an average response time of just 90 seconds, SMS offers unparalleled speed and immediacy.

Unlike other marketing channels, SMS does not require an internet connection, ensuring instant message delivery even in areas with limited connectivity. Moreover, the simplicity of texting allows businesses to craft concise and attention-grabbing messages, ensuring that important information is delivered swiftly and effectively.

To put it simply, the advantages of SMS include:

  • Instant text delivery
  • Quick response time
  • No internet dependency
  • Concise and attention-grabbing

2. Highest Open Rate Compared to Other Marketing Channels

When it comes to open rates, SMS outshines other marketing channels, delivering unmatched results. With an open rate of over 98%, SMS messages have a significantly higher likelihood of being seen and read by recipients.

Unlike emails that often get lost in crowded inboxes or social media posts that may be easily overlooked, SMS messages are instantly delivered to the recipient's mobile device, prompting immediate attention. The simplicity and directness of SMS communication make it a preferred choice for businesses seeking high engagement and direct customer interaction.

SMS marketing messages:
  • Are instantly delivered to recipients' mobile devices, ensuring prompt visibility and engagement
  • Capture the recipient's attention directly, without competing with other distractions like social media feeds or email clutter
  • Are more likely to be read and acknowledged unlike emails that often get filtered as spam
  • Are easily accessible and can be viewed by recipients on the go

Why Are SMS Open Rates So High

Gain insights into why SMS is opened more frequently than other forms of messages.

3. Highest Conversion Rates

Needless to say, text message marketing stands out as a powerhouse, with higher conversion rates compared to other marketing channels since it has the ability to drive immediate action from recipients.

The direct and personalized nature of SMS communication, combined with the high open rates and quick response times, creates a sense of urgency and prompts customers to take the desired steps, whether it's making a purchase, redeeming an offer, or engaging with a call to action.

SMS texts:

  • Have an average open rate of over 98%
  • Boast an average of 29% conversion rate, often surpassing other marketing channels
  • Achieve click-through rates of 10% or higher, indicating a strong level of recipient engagement and interest.
  • Typically have an average response rate of 45%

4. Creates Personal Relationships and Keeps Customers Happy

SMS excels at personalized communications with customers, enabling businesses to connect on a one-to-one level. Delivering targeted and customized texts allows businesses to demonstrate their understanding of customer preferences and needs.

This way, businesses can:

  • Send personalized texts that address customers by name, reference their past purchases, or tailor offers based on their preferences
  • Provide customers with timely updates, such as order confirmations, shipping notifications, appointment reminders, or exclusive loyalty SMS offers
  • Offer customer support, allowing customers to reach out with questions or issues and receive quick responses
  • Engage in real-time conversations, fostering a sense of engagement and building stronger relationships
  • Respect client preferences, as recipients have opted in to receive messages, demonstrating that businesses value their consent and keep customers happy

5. Cost-Effective Marketing Channel

Unlike traditional advertising methods or digital channels that often involve high costs, SMS campaigns are relatively affordable and deliver impressive results. The cost per SMS message is typically lower than other channels, and with high open rates and response rates, businesses can achieve a significant ROI.

Oftentimes, platforms provide SMS marketing automation capabilities, allowing businesses to streamline their campaigns, save time, and reduce manual labor costs. This cost-effectiveness, combined with the ability to generate immediate and measurable results, makes SMS a smart choice for businesses of all sizes.

In a nutshell, text message marketing boasts:

  • Lower cost per message
  • Minimal production costs
  • Automation and scalability
  • Reduced wastage
  • No printing or postage costs
  • Measurable results

6. High Return on Investment

Standing out for its ability to generate a high ROI, text marketing surpasses many other channels. The direct nature of the communication promotes strong customer engagement, resulting in higher conversion rates and increased sales. The immediacy of responses further enhances ROI by driving quick and actionable customer interactions. Combining these factors, businesses have a powerful and cost-effective means of achieving a high return on their marketing investments.

The following combinations lead to a high return on investment:

  • Low costs
  • High engagement rates
  • Immediate response capabilities
  • Optimization opportunities

7. Trackable with Real-Time Analytics

The advantage of being trackable with real-time analytics allows businesses to monitor the performance of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions. For example, businesses can track the delivery status of each SMS, ensuring they reach the intended recipients and identifying any potential delayed text message issues.

With real-time analytics, marketers can track the open rates of their messages, providing insights into the effectiveness of the content. By including links in texts, businesses can also examine click-through rates and measure recipient engagement with the provided links or calls to action.

SMS campaigns can be integrated with conversion tracking tools, allowing businesses to measure the number of recipients who complete desired actions after receiving an SMS. On top of that, measuring opt-out rates helps businesses understand the level of recipient engagement and refine their messaging strategies accordingly.

You also want to test your campaign and experiment with different message variations. This way, you can measure which performs better in terms of open rates, response rates, or conversions. With data on recipient behavior and preferences, businesses can perform segmentation analysis to identify target segments that respond well to specific types of messages, allowing for more targeted campaigns.

The main metrics to track include:

  • Message delivery status
  • Open rates
  • Click-through rates
  • Conversion tracking
  • A/B testing
  • Opt-out rates
  • Segmentation analysis

8. Generate More Revenue Compared to Other Channels

By leveraging SMS’s ability to drive customer engagement, increase conversion rates, deliver timely offers, and capitalize on cross-selling opportunities, businesses can tap into its data-proven potential to generate more revenue and achieve higher profitability. This allows for:

  • Increased customer engagement
  • Timely and targeted offers
  • Cross-selling and upselling opportunities
  • Abandoned cart recovery
  • Exclusive discounts and texting promotions
  • Repeat purchase encouragement
  • Customer feedback and insights
  • Wider brand awareness via SMS

Top 10 SMS Marketing Best Practices

Following these SMS marketing best practices , you can ensure ethical and effective campaigns that respect user preferences, provide value, and maintain positive engagement with their audience.

1. Ask for User Permission

It's crucial to obtain explicit permission from users before sending them SMS messages. This helps ensure that recipients are receptive to receiving your messages and reduces the risk of spam complaints or negative feedback. Permission can be obtained through SMS opt-in processes, such as forms, keyword subscriptions, or explicit consent during customer interactions.

2. Offer a Clear Way to Opt Out

Providing recipients with a clear and easy way to opt out or unsubscribe from your SMS messages is essential. This demonstrates respect for their preferences and privacy. Including opt-out instructions in every message, such as "Reply STOP to unsubscribe," allows users to opt out effortlessly, promoting a positive user experience.

3. Introduce Yourself

When sending texts, it's important to introduce yourself or your brand. Clearly identify who you are to establish trust and recognition. Consider using your brand name or a recognizable sender ID as part of the message, ensuring that recipients can quickly identify the source of the message—this also helps increase brand awareness.

4. Keep Your Messages Short and To the Point

SMS messages have a limit of 160 characters, so keeping your messages short and clear is a must to maximize impact. Focus on conveying essential information and a clear call to action within the limited space available.

5. Add Value to Your Messages

To engage recipients and encourage continued interaction, it's important to add value to your SMS messages. Provide exclusive offers, discounts, relevant updates, or useful information that aligns with the recipients' interests and preferences. You don’t want to just promote; you want to inform.

6. Reach Out to Customers at the Right Time

Timing plays a vital role in reaching your customers. Sending messages at the right time increases the likelihood of recipients engaging with your content. Consider factors such as time zones, customer behavior patterns, and preferences to determine the optimal timing for your messages. This can vary based on the nature of your business and the purpose of the message.

7. Don’t Be Afraid of Conversational Marketing

SMS offers an opportunity to engage in conversational marketing, fostering two-way communication with your customers. Encourage recipients to reply to your messages and actively participate in the conversation. This helps build rapport, gather feedback, address customer queries, and provide personalized experiences.

8. Keep Context in Mind

Understand the recipient's journey, previous actions, and preferences to ensure the content you deliver is relevant and meaningful. Personalize messages based on the recipient's interests, past purchases, or location to enhance engagement and create relevant context and a more tailored experience.

9. Have a Strong CTA

Every SMS should include a clear and compelling call-to-action. Whether it's visiting a website, making a purchase, participating in a promotion, or taking any desired action, your CTA should be concise, direct, and actionable. Use actionable language and provide a sense of urgency or incentive to encourage recipients to act promptly.

10. Track Results and Improve Your Strategy

Don’t forget to track results and analyze key metrics from your SMS marketing campaigns. Monitor your open, click-through, conversion, and opt-out rates. Use this data to improve the effectiveness of your campaigns and refine your strategy over time.

SMS Marketing Best Practices

Discover the dos and don'ts of SMS campaigns to maximize your messaging impact.

Common SMS Marketing Examples to Help Paint a Better Picture

Whether you're a business owner or an aspiring marketer, these SMS marketing examples will provide valuable insights and practical ideas to paint a better picture of how you can apply SMS across different industries and objectives. From welcome messages to customer loyalty programs, discover powerful ways to connect with your audience through this direct communication channel.

1. Welcome Message

A welcome message is sent to new subscribers or customers to introduce them to your brand and express appreciation for their engagement. It sets a positive tone and provides an opportunity to provide relevant information or exclusive offers. Industries that can use welcome messages include real estate, eCommerce, subscription-based services, and hospitality.

Example: Welcome to Shirtera, John! We're thrilled to have you as our customer. Enjoy a 10% discount on your first purchase with code WELCOME10!

2. New Product Promotion

This SMS marketing example involves promoting a new product or service to your customer base. It can include highlighting unique features, offering exclusive discounts or pre-order opportunities, and creating excitement around the launch. For example, when employing text message marketing for restaurants, the business can send new menu items to customers that have opted in.

Example: The New Pro Wireless Headphones are available at The Full Cart, Patricia. Experience superior sound quality and enjoy free shipping for this month only!

3. Special and Time-Sensitive Offers

Sending SMS texts for limited-time promotions or flash sales creates a sense of urgency and encourages immediate action from recipients. These offers can include discounts, free shipping, or exclusive deals. In retail, travel, hospitality, and salon text marketing, time-sensitive special offers are often sent to customers to urge them to take action.

Example: Flash Sale Alert! Don't miss out on Tall Tale Travels’ 24-hour offer, Emma. Get 20% off all packages until midnight tonight.

4. Seasonal Sales

Seasonal sales capitalize on holidays, events, or specific seasons to drive sales and create a sense of occasion. This can include SMS sales for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, Valentine's Day, or summer promotions. Industries that commonly leverage seasonal sales in SMS include fashion and beauty, home decor, and gift shops.

Example: Hi Sally, celebrate the holidays with us! Enjoy 30% off all holiday decorations at The Full Cart. Visit our store today or shop online.

5. Short SMS Surveys

SMS surveys are a quick and efficient way to gather customer feedback, opinions, or preferences. These short surveys typically consist of a few short questions that customers can respond to via SMS. This is a common practice in consumer goods and hospital text messaging.

Example: Dear Mr. Brown, please take a moment to answer a quick survey about your recent experience with Cordial Care. Reply with 'YES' to participate.

6. Cross Promotion

Cross-promotion involves promoting complementary products or services to your existing customer base. For example, a clothing brand may partner with a footwear brand to offer exclusive discounts or bundles. This SMS marketing idea can be utilized by industries such as fashion, beauty, and lifestyle.

Example: Hey Rebecca, complete your look with Shirtera and The Full Cart. Show this message to get 15% off when you buy a pair of shoes and a clothing item.

7. Textable Coupons

We’ve all received SMS coupons at some point. These are exclusive discount codes or offers that customers can redeem by showing the SMS text at the point of purchase. This can be used by various industries, including restaurants, retail stores, and entertainment venues, to drive foot traffic and encourage immediate purchases.

Example: Congratulations, James! Show this message at Flavoroso and enjoy a free appetizer with your meal. Valid for your next visit within the next 7 days.

8. Drip Campaigns

Drip campaigns involve sending a series of automated text messages over a specific timeframe to nurture leads or customers. You can use these to deliver educational content, product tutorials, or personalized recommendations. Education, software and technology, and financial services are industries that often take advantage of this type of campaign.


1st Message: Sent on Day 1

Welcome to Edgewood School, Kyle! We're excited to have you on board. As you embark on your academic journey, keep an eye out for our upcoming text messages.

2nd Message: Sent on Day 3

Hey Kyle, it's time to prepare for the upcoming semester! Make sure to meet with your academic advisor to discuss your academic goals.

3rd Message: Sent on Day 7

Hi Kyle, Edgewood School provides resources to help you succeed. Access our library resources, tutoring services, and study groups to excel in your classes.

9. Sweepstakes Contests

SMS-based sweepstakes contests allow customers to participate by sending a keyword or entering their information via SMS. These can generate excitement, increase engagement, and build brand awareness. Text-to-win contests are popular in industries such as consumer goods, travel, sports, and entertainment.

Example: Hi Sam! Text 'SWEEPSTAKES' to this number for a shot at winning a dream vacation for two. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity from Salute the Sky!

10. Abandoned Cart Reminders

Home decor, eCommerce, and retail stores send abandoned cart reminders to customers who have added items to their online shopping cart but haven't completed the purchase. These text reminders aim to recapture their interest and prompt them to finalize the transaction.

Example: Oops! We noticed you left something behind, Luke. Complete your purchase at Shirtera before we’re out of stock: bit.ly/p1we1

11. Back-in-Stock Alerts

Thanks to back-in-stock alerts, businesses can notify customers when a product they were interested in becomes available again. This type of SMS text advertising creates a sense of urgency and allows customers to make a timely purchase, specifically in industries like electronics and collectibles.

Example: Great news, Anna! Your favorite product is back in stock. Hurry and grab yours before they sell out again: bit.ly/p1we1

12. Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is essential to any business, and SMS can help you understand what your clients want and need from you. This feedback can help businesses improve their offerings, boost customer engagement, and increase satisfaction.

Example: "We'd love to hear your thoughts, Lucy! Help us improve by taking a short survey about your recent experience with Dealer&Dealt: bit.ly/p1we1

13. Product or Service Reviews

SMS can be used to encourage customers to leave reviews or ratings for products or services they have purchased. This helps build social proof and credibility for the brand and is a common practice in eCommerce, consumer electronics, and restaurants.

Example: Did you love our new Beauty Serum, Kelly? Leave a review and let others know about your experience: bit.ly/p1we1

14. Event Promotion

As an effective tool for promoting online or in-person events, businesses can send SMS messages to advertise conferences, concerts, or webinars. You can include event details, ticket availability, and exclusive offers to generate interest and drive ticket sales.

Example: Join us for an exclusive webinar on digital marketing strategies, Liam. Learn from the best in the industry. Register now: bit.ly/p1we1

15. Customer Loyalty Programs

SMS plays a vital role in customer loyalty programs by delivering exclusive offers, rewards, or point updates. This way, businesses can engage and incentivize loyal customers, increasing repeat purchases and fostering brand loyalty.

Example: Congratulations, Jenna! You've reached Gold status in the Best Nest Rewards Program. Enjoy exclusive access and VIP hotel perks. Thank you for your loyalty!

16. Order Confirmation

Text messaging can serve as order confirmations and shipping updates providing customers with instant verification and peace of mind regarding their purchases. This is applicable to eCommerce businesses, food delivery services, and any industry that involves online or mobile orders.

Example: Thank you for your order, Manny! Order #7856 has been confirmed and will be shipped within 2 business days. We'll notify you once it’s on the way.

How to Create an SMS Marketing Strategy for Your Business

Discover how SMS can revolutionize your customer engagement and boost your sales.

7 SMS Marketing Software to Keep in Mind

Leveraging the power of smartphones, businesses are increasingly turning to SMS marketing platforms to effectively engage their customers. These platforms offer a comprehensive range of features, empowering businesses to send personalized SMS texts, seamlessly schedule campaigns, and gain valuable insights through real-time tracking of results.

Not only are these SMS marketing softwares highly functional, but they also come at an affordable price point, making them a cost-effective solution for reaching a wide customer base.


Twilio emerges as a leading texting platform, offering an unparalleled suite of features that cater to diverse business requirements. Its advanced automation and segmentation tools empower businesses to streamline their messaging processes efficiently.

What sets Twilio apart is its extensive range of APIs and connectors, which enable seamless integration of SMS into various workflows, applications, and websites. This seamless integration extends beyond SMS, as Twilio's visual workflow builder facilitates connections with other channels like WhatsApp and email, enabling businesses to deliver a cohesive omnichannel experience to their customers.


Headquartered in New Jersey, Vonage offers a versatile cloud communications platform designed to facilitate meaningful connections between businesses and their audiences.

Vonage's comprehensive suite of SMS marketing services includes communication API gateways, empowering businesses to leverage the power of texting. In addition, Vonage provides APIs for popular messaging platforms such as MMS, Viber, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger, consolidating all communication channels into one convenient location. This seamless integration enables businesses to engage with their customers across multiple platforms and foster deeper connections while enhancing the overall customer experience.

Among its notable features, Vonage offers interactive video broadcasting capabilities that allow businesses to deliver engaging video content to their audience. Furthermore, Vonage provides video chat embeds, enabling businesses to embed real-time video communication functionalities into their own applications or websites.


As a user-friendly and highly effective tool, Podium has a distinct focus on harnessing customer ratings and feedback. One of its standout features is the seamless integration between Podium and Google Business, ensuring that customer reviews collected through Podium are promptly displayed on your Google page. This integration enhances your online reputation and provides immediate visibility for potential customers.

By incorporating the webchat widget offered by Podium into your website, you can further elevate customer interactions. This feature enables direct communication with customers, facilitating seamless inquiries and even allowing for secure payments within the messaging interface.


As a trusted and renowned leader in the industry, SlickText offers an exceptional solution to propel your business growth through the power of text messages. With a robust set of features, this platform equips you with the tools necessary to effectively leverage SMS marketing, ensuring seamless functionality across all devices.

SlickText prides itself on transparency and customer-centricity. There are no hidden costs or obligations associated with their services, providing you with peace of mind and full control over your SMS marketing efforts. You have the freedom to upgrade or cancel your monthly plan as per your business needs, ensuring flexibility and adaptability.


Sinch empowers businesses to deliver unified and tailored experiences to their audiences by seamlessly scaling communications across email, voice, and text messaging channels. With Sinch's comprehensive suite of products, including MMS, RCS, and verification APIs, businesses can unlock the potential of rich media messaging and ensure secure user authentication. It also offers seamless integration with popular messaging platforms like Viber, WhatsApp, and Telegram, enabling businesses to reach their audience on their preferred channels.

Among Sinch's standout offerings is in-app video calling, which allows businesses to create immersive video experiences within their mobile or web applications. This feature enhances customer engagement and facilitates real-time, face-to-face interactions, further strengthening the bond between businesses and their users.


MessageBird excels in delivering a comprehensive omnichannel automation platform tailored for APIs. This enables businesses to automate and personalize their customer communications. Through seamless API integration, MessageBird empowers businesses to connect with their audience across multiple channels, including SMS, voice, and WhatsApp, ensuring a cohesive and impactful communication experience.

By leveraging MessageBird's omnichannel automation platform, businesses can streamline their communication processes, enhance customer engagement, and deliver personalized experiences that resonate with their target audience. With a proven track record and a range of pricing options, MessageBird stands as a trusted partner in enabling effective and efficient customer communication.


Dexatel offers an innovative cloud-based SMS platform, empowering businesses to seamlessly send and receive text messages under their own brand name—with the use of their existing landline or VoIP numbers. With a comprehensive platform that encompasses a user-friendly web-based interface and a versatile messaging API, businesses can efficiently manage their contacts, create and distribute SMS messages, and access valuable insights through comprehensive message delivery reports.

One of Dexatel's key advantages lies in its flexible pricing model. With a convenient pay-as-you-go structure, businesses—particularly small enterprises—can use marketing via SMS without the need for long-term contracts. This pricing model provides businesses with the freedom and scalability to adapt their messaging efforts according to their evolving needs, guaranteeing cost-effectiveness and flexibility.

23 Best SMS Marketing Platforms for Businesses in 2023

Check out the top platforms handpicked by our team, tailored to meet the needs of businesses.

Frequently Asked QuestionsAbout SMS Marketing

Is SMS Advertising Effective?

Yes, SMS advertising is highly effective due to its high open rates and direct reach to customers' mobile devices.

Why is SMS Marketing Effective?

Marketing SMS messages is effective given its immediate delivery, personalization capabilities, trackability, and ability to generate higher conversion rates compared to other marketing channels.

Does SMS Marketing Annoy Customers?

When done correctly and with permission, SMS message marketing is not considered annoying. Customers appreciate relevant and valuable messages.

Is SMS Marketing Expensive?

SMS marketing is generally cost-effective compared to other marketing channels, especially considering its high ROI and targeted approach.

Why Should I Use SMS Marketing?

SMS messaging marketing offers several benefits, including high open rates, quick and direct customer reach, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to personalize and engage with customers effectively.

Does SMS Marketing Really Work?

Yes, SMS marketing has proven to be highly effective in engaging customers, driving conversions, and achieving marketing goals.

What Are the Types of SMS Marketing?

The types of SMS marketing include promotional and transactional messages. You can send alerts and notifications, surveys and feedback requests, and customer loyalty programs via SMS.

How Do I Run an SMS Marketing Campaign?

To run an SMS marketing campaign, you need to define your goals, build a targeted contact list, craft compelling messages, choose the right timing, comply with regulations, and track and analyze campaign results.

Is SMS Marketing Free?

SMS marketing typically incurs costs, such as message credits or subscription fees, depending on the service provider and specific campaign requirements.

Is SMS Marketing Legal?

SMS marketing is legal, but it must comply with applicable laws and regulations regarding consent, privacy, and opt-out options.

How Do I Start SMS Marketing?

To start SMS marketing, you need to choose a reliable SMS marketing platform, build a contact list, craft engaging messages, set up campaigns, and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

Who Regulates SMS Text Message Marketing?

Text marketing is regulated by various entities depending on the country, including government bodies, telecommunication authorities, and regulatory agencies such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States.

What is an SMS Marketing Platform?

An SMS marketing platform is a software or service that enables businesses to manage and execute SMS marketing campaigns. It provides features like contact management, message creation and scheduling, analytics, and automation tools.

What is the Best SMS Platform?

The best SMS platform depends on the specific needs and requirements of a business. Different platforms offer varying features, pricing models, and integrations. It is recommended to evaluate platforms based on factors like ease of use, reliability, customer support, and compatibility with business goals.

What is the Best Industry for SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing can be effective across various industries. The ones that benefit the most include retail, eCommerce, hospitality, healthcare, food services, events, travel, and entertainment. The best industry for SMS marketing ultimately depends on the target audience and the nature of the business.