
The Ultimate Guide to SMS Leads

Anahid Akkam
Anahid AkkamContent Manager

Published: Jun 20, 2022

Updated: Jun 10, 2022

SMS Leads

SMS is the most used data service. In fact, a significant percentage of Google searches are done via mobile phones. SMS lead generation helps businesses find interested people and capture mobile phone numbers and names.

You can attract their attention to turn them into paying customers with:

  • Keywords
  • Text blasts with promotions
  • One-on-one conversations

The process is quite simple—when an interested SMS sales lead texts a keyword to your number, you can automatically generate and send a response. This can include:

  • Welcome messages
  • Thank you
  • Shared links and information
  • Directions to your site

Your message needs to be clear, direct, and include a CTA with a functioning link.

You can also take it up a notch and make it accessible for interested leads to connect with your business representatives via text. You may offer appointments and interviews, answer queries about products and services, and so on.

The advantages of a B2C or B2B lead generation strategy with SMS include:

  1. Reaching out to your target audience fast and easily
  2. Segmenting the audience and reaching them with personalized messages
  3. Improving SMS marketing and strategies

Understanding SMS Leads

With the increased popularity of SMS, more and more businesses are using this service for their mobile marketing purposes. Businesses can:

  • Increase their sales and ROI
  • Gain an advantage over competitors who don’t use it
  • Increase views of messages by prospective customers and readers

SMS phone leads don’t come automatically, though. You need to have strategies in place and focus on tactics for SMS to work. This takes time and effort from the business, but the results are ultimately far more significant to overlook.

How to Use SMS Leads for Business Growth

1. Recognizable Number

Ensure that the number you send text messages from is the one displayed on your website, social media, or anywhere you have a presence. Your business number should be recognizable and accessible. It also helps to include invitations to send text messages for inquiries in your SMS message with two-way communication.

2. Incentives to Sign Up for Texting Programs

Offer incentives to customers if they sign up for your program. Provide discounts and promotions when a prospective client sends you a text to take advantage of the incentive you’re offering. You get an opted-in number from a lead, and they get something in return.

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3. Messaging Customers

Since SMS doesn’t require an internet connection, sending and receiving texts is highly accessible. Inform your customers about news, offers, or product information without sending too many messages.

4. Including CTAs

Text messages have a 160-character limit. Strangely, it’s enough to deliver a sales text message with a clear CTA. Your message can include an active link that will direct the lead to a specific webpage to proceed with the purchase.

5. Integrating Text Messages with Other Platforms

You can communicate with potential customers by mixing and matching the messages across different channels. For instance, you can post ads on Facebook or any related online platform.

Text Lead Generation Tips to Keep in Mind

1. Import Existing Leads

You may collect leads with text message subscription forms and calls to action. But if you have a list of qualified leads with permission to send messages, add them to the SMS platform provider.

2. Use Short Codes and Keywords

Place SMS short codes and relevant keywords on:

  • Visible places on your site
  • Digital ads
  • Social posts
  • Business cards
  • Google insights

3. Add Web Forms to Your Home Page

Web forms are vital to the lead generation process. Use online platforms to import the codes and embed them. Or, develop plugins yourself or use third-party add-on tools.

4. Use SMS Auto-Responders

Auto-responders are pre-scheduled text messages that provide information, offer free trials, and educate leads about new features. Set up an auto-response message to send to customers when you’re physically unavailable.

5. Qualify Leads with Data Collection

Use text messages to collect information like names, emails, addresses, and so on. This data will give you an idea of how to connect with your customers.

6. Review Analytics

Take advantage of the analytics tools to determine what works best for you. These tools can help you determine messages with higher click-through rates and adjust your strategy accordingly.

7. Integrate Texting with Your Existing CRM

CRM helps businesses improve customer relationships because it manages customer data. It also allows you to:

  • Deliver actionable insights
  • Integrate with social media
  • Facilitate team communication
  • Keep customer contact information up to date
  • Track customer interaction
  • Manage customer accounts

Businesses have two ways to integrate. You can connect your preferred SMS platform account to the CRM app you’re using. Or, you can build custom solutions with the provider's SMS API and directly interact with the SMS gateway.

SMS Lead Tools to Grow Contact Lists

1. Keyword Opt-In Campaigns

Keyword campaigns have high engagement rates, with 45% of respondents completing the requested action in a text message. When a customer sends a triggered keyword to the phone number, the auto-responder contacts the lead on your behalf.

2. Webchat SMS Opt-In Widget

Use your website chatbot tool to collect leads that interact with your business. Add an opt-in option to an existing chatbot dialogue to increase your SMS list.

3. Facebook Messenger Chat Leads

Most SMS providers have Facebook page widgets that you can use to welcome customers. When leads contact you via Facebook Messenger, ask them to provide you with their contact details to opt-in to your contact list.

How to Generate Leads with SMS Marketing

1. Opt-In

Businesses must only send text messages to prospective leads to those who have given consent for it. Spamming never gets anyone far. Invite prospects to enroll in your campaigns by offering incentives for the SMS opt-in.

2. Content

The content of your message must be clear and to the point. Avoid writing long and complicated messages. Keep your text within the character limits with a visible CTA.

3. Segmentation

Segment your audience to send the right message with the right content to the right person. This way, your text will be more personal and customized.

4. Automation

Integrate your SMS provider with your CRM and manage automation with a few simple steps. With automation, you can focus on researching, collecting data, and analyzing the information to improve your workflow.

5. Continuity

It’s essential to keep the conversation going and assure your customers that you're available.

6. Alerts

Alerts are an excellent addition to your lead generation marketing strategy. You can use it to notify your customers about special discounts and time-sensitive offers.

7. Notifications and Wishlist Reminders

Most customers add items to their cart and leave them as is. These notifications serve as reminders to your customers that their items are ready to be purchased or simply let them know that a certain item on their wishlist is available.

8. URL

Include active links in your SMS message and direct the recipients to a specific webpage to inform them about a special offer or new products.

9. Polls and Surveys

One of the fastest ways to collect data and customer satisfaction is through polls and surveys. There are several survey tools that you can consider. The most popular ones include Survey Monkey, So Go Survey, Qualaroo, and more.

10. Trigger SMS

With trigger SMS, you can send texts on your customers’ birthdays or other special occasions. Make sure your text sounds friendly—this will trigger customers to become loyal and refer your business to others.