
How to Reduce Communication Costs for Enterprises with CPaaS

Dikran Seferian
Dikran SeferianContent Writer

Published: Feb 19, 2024

Reduce Communication Costs

Effective communication is the cornerstone of business success, and it's why companies are turning to a game-changing solution in the form of Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS)

CPaaS is a cloud-based platform that allows for the orchestration of communications across various channels to deliver instant outcomes. Over the past decade, this technology transformed the telecom industry. These platforms offer everything from global reach to enhanced experiences. But at the forefront of these benefits is cost-effectiveness. 

Carrying out communications is not cheap. Businesses often invest a great deal of money to set up a decent infrastructure. This is where CPaaS enters the scene, allowing enterprises to reduce communication costs by providing a combination of efficient solutions.

How CPaaS Enhances Enterprise Communication

1. Unified Channels

In enterprise communication, CPaaS provides a centralized platform for a variety of communication services like SMS, voice, email, and social media. This helps create a consistent experience for both internal and external communications. It makes it easy to manage diverse channels and connect with audiences across various touchpoints, promoting a seamless user experience.

2. Agility and Scalability

Being agile and flexible is crucial if you want to keep up with the constantly evolving market. CPaaS offers a scalable infrastructure that allows enterprises to handle increasing volumes and easily adapt to shifting market dynamics. This flexibility supports sustainable growth and helps you stay ahead of the game, whether it’s launching new features on the spot or scaling your communication seamlessly. 

3. Integration Capabilities

One of the unique features of CPaaS is its integration capabilities. With the help of APIs, CPaaS seamlessly integrates into existing enterprise systems. The result is a cohesive ecosystem where tools are incorporated into workflows, boosting productivity and minimizing data silos. Integrated systems also cut the need for standalone solutions and help in reducing communications costs. 

Text Message API Service Pricing

Dexatel employs a pay-as-you-go approach that charges you per sent message. This is the most affordable SMS gateway pricing model, and the service costs are free of setup, monthly, or any other fees.

4. Improved Customer Experience

Creating a positive customer experience is paramount for any business. CPaaS makes it possible by real-time communication as well as offering advanced tools like omnichannel customer support. As an enterprise, you can leverage features like two-way communication, in-app messaging, and video calls to connect with customers on their preferred channels. This not only boosts customer satisfaction but also improves your audience’s perception of your entire business. 

5. Global Reach

With CPaaS, you can communicate on a global scale without having to manage multiple communication networks. A business can effortlessly reach a global audience, guaranteeing consistency across borders. This is especially useful for multinational enterprises that aim to maintain a unified strategy worldwide. Essentially, CPaaS empowers your enterprise with the tools needed to have a global impact. 

6. Security and Compliance

Security is a CPaaS platform’s strong suit. It involves addressing the risks of handling sensitive data. By taking solid security measures and complying with privacy laws, CPaaS helps businesses guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of their communications. This is key for industries, like healthcare and financial services, where data privacy is a top priority. And since CPaaS systems come with built-in security infrastructures, businesses won’t have to invest in their own—otherwise costly—systems.

Common Factors of Communications Costs in Enterprises 

1. Infrastructure

Infrastructure costs in enterprise communication have to do with both hardware and software elements. In terms of hardware, these costs include the purchasing, maintaining, and upgrading of components like routers, servers, and switches. Enterprises also allocate a great deal of money to the procurement and maintenance of software, including updates and licenses. The quality and scalability of the infrastructure determine how reliable the communication is. 

2. Security Measures

Security measures are key in enterprise communication as they protect sensitive information and guarantee the integrity of data. These measures include investing in firewalls, encryption technologies, security protocols, and intrusion detection systems, all of which make up a significant part of the overall costs of communicating. To stay ahead of evolving cybersecurity risks, a business is supposed to constantly allocate resources for taking all the necessary security measures. 

3. Network

Network costs consist of the money you spend on internet connectivity, data services, and bandwidth. Seamless communication relies on efficient and high-speed networks. While bandwidth costs vary based on usage, internet, and data services costs are continuous. The demand for network resources grows as businesses increasingly adopt cloud-based solutions. This has a major influence on communication expenses.

4. International Communication

International communication entails some costs as a result of roaming, long-distance calls, and data usage abroad. For enterprises that carry out operations on a global scale, efficiently managing these costs while maintaining efficiency can be a challenge. You’ll often need to negotiate fair call rates and implement cost-effective data plans for international business trips. In addition, you’ll need to get familiar with international communication regulations to avoid unforeseen expenditures related to legal compliance.

How a CPaaS Provider Can Cut Costs

1. Message Automation

CPaaS providers offer message automation, allowing you to streamline your communication processes. By automating messaging workflows, you can save time, boost efficiency, and minimize manual intervention. This not only enhances the communication experience but greatly reduces communication costs as well. It does so by optimizing resource allocation and improving productivity. In other words, you can leverage automation for redundant processes while customer support employees with effective communication skills can focus on complex matters.

2. No Infrastructure Costs

CPaaS providers eliminate the need for communication infrastructure funds. This allows you and other businesses to allocate resources more strategically and focus on core business processes. The most important thing, however, is that you’ll be able to access communication services without having to purchase and manage hardware and software components. With CPaaS, the service provider effectively manages the infrastructure, allowing you to avoid these capital expenses. 

3. No Maintenance Expenses

CPaaS providers are often responsible for the maintenance and management of their solutions, relieving you from the burden of doing all that yourself. This is a major advantage as it ensures that the communication services stay secure, reliable, and up-to-date without the need for in-house IT resources. Businesses can benefit from all the features and advancements in communication technologies while avoiding the additional costs of maintenance. 

4. Pay-as-You-Go Pricing

CPaaS providers often offer flexible pay-as-you-go pricing. In other words, you only pay for the communication services you use. This allows you to avoid fixed or upfront expenses. The scalability of this pricing model perfectly suits the requirements of enterprises, ensuring they can scale their usage according to demand. The flexibility of pay-as-you-go pricing is especially ideal for businesses with fluctuating needs or ones that are growing fast.

5. Seamless Implementation

The design of CPaaS solutions allows for easy integration into existing systems and applications. This enables a seamless implementation and minimizes the time, resources, and costs needed for deployment. The simplicity of integration also means that enterprises can quickly adopt new communication features without disrupting the existing processes. And thanks to the advanced capabilities of CPaaS, it helps organizations achieve great of cost savings. 

Tips for Reducing Communication and Networking Costs with CPaaS

1. Optimize Usage of Resources

Optimizing your usage of resources involves keeping an eye on your patterns and adjusting resources accordingly. With CPaaS, you can scale your resources based on demand and avoid unnecessary over-provisioning. You’ll want to analyze usage metrics regularly and adjust the capacity. This ensures that you aren’t paying for unused resources and helps you control costs by aligning the infrastructure with your actual needs.

2. Keep Track of API Usage

CPaaS providers often charge you based on the number of API calls you make. With that in mind, you must monitor your APU usage to cut down on networking costs. Good coding practices can help you minimize redundant API calls. Using asynchronous processing where possible and looking into caching mechanisms to reduce request frequency can go a long way as well. Auditing your AI usage also allows you to pinpoint anomalies and areas for improvement. This ensures that your application interacts with the CPaaS solutions in a resource-saving manner. 

3. Choose Cost-Effective Communication Channels

Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the different channels that your CPaaS provider offers. This means accounting for the nature of your communications and choosing an appropriate channel accordingly. For example, you’ll probably choose SMS if you’re conveying concise and essential information or video conferencing for scenarios where personal interaction is necessary. By strategically picking channels based on specific needs, you can optimize costs and make sure you’re not overpaying for features that don’t add much value to the use case. 

4. Use Rate Limiting and Throttling

Another way to manage costs and prevent excessive usage is by applying rate limiting and throttling mechanisms in your applications. By controlling the frequency of communication requests, you can avoid unnecessary charges and ensure an effective interaction between your application and the CPaaS system. Throttling also gives your team the ability to maintain consistent service quality, creating a more stable infrastructure and rapidly reducing costs for your organization.

5. Negotiate Volume Discounts

If your enterprise handles large volumes, you can cut down on networking costs by negotiating volume discounts with your CPaaS provider. Exploring tailored pricing structures based on your usage can result in cost savings. Many CPaaS providers are open to negotiation, especially when dealing with larger volumes of calls and messages, and can offer terms that are more favorable than the standard pricing.