
What Isan Outbound Message?

An outbound message is an action that a business representative takes to contact a prospective customer directly. Since the message is routed to a mobile phone, it can also be referred to as a mobile terminated message (or MT).

Types of outbound messaging include email, cold calls, direct messages on social media, and text message marketing. The latter, however, is the most advantageous. Since customers still regard SMS as a safe and convenient mode of communication, it is more likely that they will respond.

What Is Outbound Messaging Used for?

Outbound messages can be useful for keeping customers up-to-date and providing them with a more tailored service. Recipients who opt in to receive SMS messages can engage in helpful conversations in the most convenient way possible. An effective outbound messaging plan can ultimately allow B2C companies to boost sales and customer loyalty.

What Are the Best Ways to Use Outbound Messaging?

Getting Permission

It’s always important for companies to check local laws and obtain permission from subscribers before sending outbound messages. A customer who has chosen to opt in is more likely to engage than one who receives an unsolicited message. Keeping the messages short and making the opt-out process easy also leaves a good impression.

Defining Market Segments

Customers tend to respond positively if the communication is personalized. As such, tailoring messages to various market segments makes an outbound text more relevant. Market segmentation refers to the process of categorizing a wide customer base into several groups according to common characteristics. It also allows companies to send the appropriate messages at the appropriate time. These often include:

  • Exclusive offers
  • Billing reminders
  • Event reminders
  • Polls and surveys
  • Appointment setups
  • Customer support
  • Shipping notifications

Personalizing Messages

Customers’ needs normally differ from one to another, which is why it’s essential for companies to tailor their approach based on specific preferences. Since outbound messaging places a lot of emphasis on personalizing the customer experience, businesses can use tailored messages to target unique needs—whether it's asking for feedback or connecting with recipients on a deeper level.

Choosing the Right Platform

Making use of the right SMS platform is just as crucial for the success of an outbound messaging campaign as the messages themselves. Companies that gain the most from an outbound marketing strategy typically go for a platform that offers quality SMS capabilities in addition to reports and analytics.