
The Ultimate Guide To Conversational Marketing

Dikran Seferian
Dikran SeferianContent Writer

Published: Jul 1, 2020

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

Conversational Marketing

We live in an age where consumers seek personalized experiences more than just products and services. This has made businesses turn toward a more dynamic marketing approach—one that embraces the notion that communication is a two-way street. Meet conversational marketing, a customer-centric approach that bridges the gap between business and consumer. 

This is a strategy that takes place through—you guessed it—conversations. And much like every other marketing strategy, its goal is to nurture leads and drive conversions. 

How Conversational Marketing Works

Conversational marketing is a dynamic approach to customer engagement that focuses on creating meaningful interactions and personalized experiences between businesses and their audience. At its core, the conversational marketing approach leverages real-time communication channels to facilitate two-way conversations, enabling brands to connect with customers on a more human and relatable level. This approach is driven by the idea that marketing should be a dialogue, not just a monologue.

Key Principles of Conversational Marketing Strategies

Real-Time Interactions

Unlike traditional marketing methods that rely on scheduled campaigns, conversational marketing thrives on instant, on-demand communication. It allows brands to respond promptly to customer inquiries, provide assistance, and guide users through their purchasing journey in real time.


Conversational marketing tailors interactions to individual customer preferences and needs. By utilizing customer data and insights, businesses can craft personalized messages and recommendations, making customers feel valued and understood.


Authenticity is not just a buzzword; it is the cornerstone of a successful conversational marketing strategy. Brands aim to engage in genuine conversations, foster trust, and build lasting relationships. This human touch stands in stark contrast to the one-size-fits-all nature of traditional advertising.

Shift from Traditional Marketing

Conversational marketing represents a significant departure from traditional marketing strategies, which often involve broadcasting messages to a wide audience with limited room for personalized engagement. The advent of digital communication platforms has enabled this shift, allowing brands to connect with customers in more direct and immediate ways.

Where traditional marketing focuses on pushing messages to consumers, conversational marketing revolves around pulling customers in through engaging conversations. This shift aligns with the changing expectations of modern consumers, who seek seamless interactions and personalized experiences in their interactions with businesses.

Benefits of Conversational Marketing Platforms 

Using conversational marketing platforms armed with AI-driven capabilities can redefine customer interactions by enabling real-time, personalized, and contextually relevant conversations. From enhancing customer satisfaction and streamlining lead generation to fostering brand loyalty, the benefits of Conversational Marketing Platforms are multifaceted and far-reaching.

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1. Gaining Valuable Insight

Conversation marketing is a goldmine for collecting valuable information about potential customers and leads. By keeping track of interactions, you can learn about what your customers are interested in and what they like most about your products or services.

These insights can essentially be the vitamin that nurtures product development, marketing strategies, and customer support efforts—in addition to giving you a competitive edge. For example, you can come up with FAQs or relevant content by figuring out which questions customers often ask during conversations. 

2. Speeding Up the Sales Funnel

Having conversations with customers dramatically shortens the sales funnel. This is because users are more likely to make quicker decisions when they have all the answers to their questions. Chatbots, for example, can answer common inquiries and provide recommendations.

This type of marketing also makes it easy to schedule appointments or provide product details, smoothing the buying journey. A faster sales process not only improves the customer experience but also leads to higher revenue and minimizes drop-off rates. 

3. Increasing Conversion Rates

Successful conversational marketing can directly boost conversion rates. Studies show that this approach to SMS marketing can improve the rate from 15% to 20% and enhance the customer journey.

Providing instant replies and recommendations reduces the likelihood of prospects abandoning their shopping journey or not taking any action. Tailoring messages based on buyer behavior can also come in handy here. Needless to say, higher conversion rates signify increased revenue and a return on investment in marketing efforts. 

4. Enabling Real-Time Interaction

Marketing conversations lay the foundations for real-time communications between businesses and their audiences. Brands can interact with consumers instantly via channels like SMS, live chat, and chatbots. This level of immediacy is priceless because it enables quick replies to customers’ questions, concerns, or interest in buying.

Customers tend to appreciate responsiveness because it makes them feel valued, resulting in higher satisfaction. Real-time interaction helps in sustaining engagement, guiding prospects through the buying process, and addressing inquiries promptly—which is crucial in a fast-paced digital environment. 

5. Allowing for Personalization

By leveraging customer data and AI-driven tools, conversational marketing provides highly personalized customer experiences. Businesses can analyze buyer behavior and preferences to tailor messages and recommendations to each customer. Not only does this boost customer engagement, but it also sends conversion rates through the roof.

Consumers are more likely to go ahead with a purchase when the content and suggestions they receive align with their needs and interests. Personalization is also proven to create a sense of connection, as customers get the feeling that the business understands what they want or need. 

6. Getting Instant Feedback

This marketing approach is an excellent way to gather on-the-spot feedback from customers. By using surveys and chat interactions, you can hear what customers have to say about the products or services. This is essential for making necessary improvements in real time.

You can also pinpoint and address potential issues before they escalate, showing that you care about customer satisfaction. By constantly keeping an eye out for and acting on feedback, you’ll be fostering a sense of trust and loyalty in your audience. 

Types of Marketing Channels Via Conversations

Various conversational marketing channels have emerged to facilitate direct and personalized communication between businesses and their existing customers. These channels, centered around conversations, offer unique opportunities to engage potential customers.

1. SMS

While social media is rising in the marketing sphere, SMS has the highest open rate of 98%. This means you have more chances to involve customers in conversations and enhance your marketing and sales strategies. What makes SMS a more effective option than other platforms like email is its clarity.

A text message is short, concise, and doesn’t require too much time to read. Even when you’re sending texts on popular messaging apps like Viber or Whatsapp Business, chatting can direct conversations in a way to bring in sales and improve customer relationships. 

2. Chatbots

Chatbot marketing answers customers’ questions and analyzes key insights from clients. What was the purpose of visiting the website? Are they interested in purchasing your products or services? The live chat either helps the client make a purchase or directs them to the right person, who’ll answer further questions and requests in real time.

Whether you use artificial intelligence to help with customer support issues or have meaningful conversations with qualified leads, you'll find several benefits that come with this feature.

With chatbots becoming increasingly advanced, the role of AI in conversational marketing is growing. Technologies like machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) allow modern chatbots to engage in human-like conversations with customers. They can understand context, answer complex questions, and give personalized recommendations—while being available 24/7.

By learning from human interactions and adapting to customer needs, AI-powered tools like SMS chatbots offer a high-quality, personalized experience and serve as a valuable asset for lead generation. 

3. Emails

Conversational emailing is one of the most common ways of spreading information. Although emails are known as a formal means of communication, a friendly tone and a personalized approach are two key points that bring in final sales. From free ebooks and blog links to enticing calls to action, these are what captivate clients in a conversational style.

There are several types of email flows to keep your customers engaged. The first email describes the product or service you offer. Depending on the open rate, you may send second and third emails emphasizing why consumers should purchase from you. These emails are made to maintain interest as well as inform customers and prospects of your latest offers.

4. Instant Messaging Apps

With instant messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, you can carry out personalized, real-time conversations with your customers. You can use these communication channels to provide quick support, offer tailored recommendations, and even enable in-app purchases. This creates a smooth and convenient customer experience. 

Leveraging features like multimedia sharing and push notifications give you the power to attract audiences and stay on top of their minds. Instant messaging apps also make it easy to gather feedback from them and ultimately build strong customer relationships. 

Implementing a Conversational Marketing Strategy

Creating and executing an effective conversational marketing strategy requires a thoughtful and systematic approach.

1. Choose Appropriate Channels

Identify the communication channels that align with your target audience. Depending on your audience's preferences, you might focus on SMS, chatbots on your website, instant messaging apps, or a combination of these.

2. Design Personalized Messaging

Craft messages that resonate with your audience. Utilize customer data to tailor your content and recommendations to each individual, making the interactions more relevant and engaging.

3. Integrate Automation with Authenticity

Leverage automation tools like AI-powered chatbots to handle routine customer queries and tasks. However, ensure that the automation maintains a human touch and can seamlessly transfer users to human agents when necessary.

4. Implement Segmentation

Segment your audience based on factors such as demographics, behavior, and purchase history. This allows you to send targeted messages that cater to specific needs and interests.

5. Create Conversation Flows

Map out conversation flows that guide users through various scenarios. Consider different paths users might take and design responses that address their queries or guide them towards desired actions.

6. Test and Optimize

Continuously test your conversational marketing strategy. A/B test different message variations, timings, and channels to determine what resonates best with your audience. Use analytics to track performance and make data-driven improvements.

7. Ensure Consistency Across Channels

Maintain a consistent brand voice and messaging across all conversational channels. This ensures a unified and recognizable experience for users interacting with your brand.

8. Monitor and Adapt

Regularly monitor your conversational interactions and gather feedback from customers. Use this information to adapt and refine your conversational strategy over time, ensuring that it remains relevant and effective.

9. Measure ROI

Track key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your goals, such as response time, conversion rates, and customer satisfaction. Assess the return on investment (ROI) to evaluate the impact of your conversational marketing efforts.

Integration With Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is how you create value for your audience via blog writing, tailored support, or real-time interactions on social media. It’s easy to see how conversational marketing is similar to inbound marketing. After all, it falls under the latter’s umbrella—just like blog writing or email marketing. 

Conversational messaging is an integral part of the customer journey. With inbound marketing, businesses can draw the attention of customers, whom they can interact with through two-way communication. It essentially serves as a pull tactic that attracts prospects via their preferred channels. With that in mind, it’s always a good idea to use these two forms of marketing together. 

Scaling Conversations in Marketing

Scalability is key in business messaging. An effective way to scale your conversational marketing efforts is by investing in AI-powered solutions and automation tools that can take care of routine questions and tasks. This allows your team to focus on interactions that require a human touch.

Of course, you’ll want to regularly train your chatbots with updated information. Certain pieces of information, for example, may become obsolete after a while. It’s also crucial to have resources like FAQs and a centralized knowledge base to guarantee consistency in responses. 

When scaling, you mustn’t forgo personalization as well. Remember to segment your audience and tailor communications effectively by using data analytics. You’ll want to track and analyze customer interactions to pinpoint opportunities for improvement. Additionally, make sure you have customer feedback mechanisms in place to continually refine and optimize your conversational marketing strategy at scale.