
Viber Vs. WhatsApp: Which One Is Better?

Anahid Akkam
Anahid AkkamContent Manager

Published: Aug 21, 2023

Updated: Jun 17, 2023

Viber Vs. WhatsApp

Get ready for the ultimate showdown as we put two of the most popular messaging apps against each other—Viber vs. WhatsApp. With over 3 billion active users combined, these apps have become essential tools for staying connected with friends, family, and colleagues around the world. But which app reigns supreme? Let’s find out.

Understanding the Difference Between WhatsApp and Viber

When it comes to Viber vs. WhatsApp, both instant messaging apps were created with the primary intention of connecting people through text, voice, and video messages. However, the specific intentions of the two apps differ in a few significant ways.

WhatsApp was created in 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum, with the intention of providing a simple and secure messaging app. The founders of WhatsApp believed that people should be able to communicate with each other without being tracked, spied on, or having their data sold to advertisers. They designed the app with strong privacy features, such as end-to-end encryption, to protect users' messages and calls. 

Viber was created in 2010 with the primary goal of providing a communication app that was accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. It aimed to become a messaging app that could compete with other apps like Skype and WhatsApp. While Viber also offers end-to-end encryption, its focus is more on providing a customizable and fun user experience.

The intentions of the Viber app vs. WhatsApp can also be seen in their different marketing strategies. WhatsApp’s marketing represents it as a secure and private messaging app, while Viber has focused on its customization options, such as custom themes, emojis, and stickers.

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User Interface and Features

One of the most noticeable differences between Viber vs. WhatsApp is their user interface. Viber has a more colorful and playful interface, with a variety of themes and customizations available. Users can change the background, chat bubble colors, and even add stickers to their conversations. WhatsApp, on the other hand, has a more straightforward and minimalist interface, with a limited number of customization options.

Another significant difference between WhatsApp and Viber is their features. While both apps allow users to send messages, make voice and video calls, and share media files, there are some differences in their functionality. 

For example, Viber allows users to play games within the app, send secret messages that disappear after a certain amount of time, and even make purchases directly from the app. WhatsApp has a feature that allows users to send their live location to contacts, and it also has a status update feature similar to Instagram stories.

Moreover, Viber has a feature called Public Accounts, which allows businesses to create a public profile and interact with their customers directly through the app. WhatsApp does not have this feature, but it does have a business version called WhatsApp Business that offers similar functionality.

Security and Privacy

WhatsApp is known for its strong security features, including end-to-end encryption. This means that only the sender and receiver of a message can see the content, and even WhatsApp itself cannot access the message. WhatsApp also allows users to verify the identity of contacts through a unique QR code or fingerprint scan. Additionally, the app provides two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security.

In comparison, Viber also offers end-to-end encryption, but it is not as strong as WhatsApp's. Viber's encryption does not include group chats, and it can be turned off by the user if they choose. Viber also allows users to verify the identity of contacts through a verification code, but it does not offer two-factor authentication.

Another significant difference to note when discussing WhatsApp vs. Viber is their approach to data sharing. Viber collects some user data, such as location information and device information while file-sharing, to provide personalized content and ads. Meanwhile, WhatsApp does not collect any user data beyond what is necessary for the app to function.

Popularity in the Business World

While both have made significant strides in recent years, WhatsApp, in particular, has developed a dedicated WhatsApp Business API. This allows businesses to interact with their customers directly through the app. The API offers features like automated messages, customer support, and even transactional messaging. This way, businesses can improve their customer service by utilizing VoIP apps in their strategies.

Viber has also developed a business version of its app, called Viber Business. This version offers features like auto-replies, chatbots, and public accounts, which allow businesses to create a public profile and interact with customers directly. 

Call and Message Quality

Both apps use internet connectivity to make calls and send messages, so call and message quality can be affected by internet speed and connection strength. However, both Viber and WhatsApp use advanced compression technology to ensure that messages and calls are delivered efficiently and with minimal delay. 

In terms of voice and video calls, both apps offer clear and stable connections, though the quality may vary based on internet connectivity. 

User Base and Popularity

WhatsApp has a larger user base than Viber, with over 2 billion active monthly users compared to Viber's modest 1 billion. This is partly due to WhatsApp's widespread popularity in countries like India and Brazil, where it is the most widely used messaging app.

On the other hand, Viber has a loyal user base in certain regions, such as Eastern Europe and the Middle East, where it is particularly popular.

Monetization Strategies

Both Viber and WhatsApp are free to download and use, but they have different monetization strategies.

WhatsApp's main revenue stream comes from charging businesses to use their WhatsApp Business API to communicate with customers. This allows businesses to send messages such as order updates, shipping notifications, and customer support messages.

Viber offers a variety of monetization options. They have in-app purchases, such as stickers and games, that users can buy to enhance their messaging experience. Viber also offers Viber Out, a feature that allows users to make low-cost calls to non-Viber users. Besides, Viber has a partnership program that allows businesses to integrate Viber into their customer support systems for a fee.

Mobile Marketing

Thanks to mobile marketing services, businesses can connect with their customers, send notifications, and respond to inquiries. Using WhatsApp Business, companies can create a company profile, which includes their logo, description, and contact information. WhatsApp offers various features such as product catalogs and the ability to create and send automated messages.

Similarly, Viber's messaging platform also offers features such as chatbots, polls, and surveys to enhance the customer experience. Businesses can also create public accounts that users can follow, allowing them to receive updates, news, and promotions directly in their Viber app.

Secret Chat

One of Viber's standout features is the ability to send self-destructing messages. This feature allows users to send messages that disappear after a set period of time, ensuring that sensitive information stays private and secure.

To send a self-destructing message on Viber,  type out your message and tap the clock icon next to the send button. This will bring up a menu where you can choose the amount of time before the message disappears, ranging from 1 second to 1 minute. Once you send the message, the recipient will have a set amount of time to read it before it disappears.

The self-destructing message feature on Viber is particularly useful for users who want to ensure that their messages are only viewed by the intended recipient and not stored on their device. It can also be useful for sending sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers, without leaving a digital trail.

Unlike Viber, WhatsApp does not have a Secret Chat feature. However, it does offer an Archived feature that allows users to hide chats without completely deleting them.

When a chat is archived in WhatsApp, it is moved to a separate folder and removed from the main chat list. This means that the chat is hidden from view and can only be accessed by scrolling down to the bottom of the chat list and tapping on the Archived Chats folder. 

While the Archived feature on WhatsApp may not offer the same level of privacy as Viber's Secret Chat, it can still be useful for users who want to keep certain conversations out of sight. Archived chats can also be unarchived at any time, making it easy to bring them back into the main chat list if needed.

Which Is Better: WhatsApp Or Viber? Key Takeaways

As of now, there is no clear winner in the Viber versus WhatsApp debate. Both are great messaging apps that offer unique features and benefits. WhatsApp has a larger user base and a user-friendly interface, while Viber offers more customization options and advanced security features. Choosing between the two largely depends on personal preferences and specific needs.

So, which is better—WhatsApp or Viber? As a matter of fact, ask yourself these questions:

  • Which app do you actually prefer?

  • What features do you find most important in a messaging app? 

  • Do you value a larger user base or advanced security features?

Consider these key takeaways when deciding which messaging app is right for you.