
SMS Fallback

SMS Fallback

SMS fallback emerges as a critical solution to ensure message delivery even in the face of technical challenges. SMS fallback, an automatic feature integrated into messaging protocols, acts as a safety net when primary communication channels fail. But what exactly is SMS fallback, and how does it work?

What is SMS Fallback?

SMS fallback, or Short Message Service fallback, is a mechanism designed to deliver SMS messages when other internet-based messaging channels encounter disruptions. It serves as an alternative messaging channel. When texts sent via your primary communication channel fail, this guarantees delivery in scenarios such as poor internet connectivity, device incompatibility, or technical issues with other messaging platforms.

For example, a user may attempt to send a message via a mobile app or web browser running on their device. However, due to network issues or other technical hurdles, the message fails to deliver. In such cases, SMS fallback seamlessly kicks in. It ensures that the message reaches its intended recipient via traditional SMS.

This fallback option is particularly crucial for time-sensitive texts, such as OTP messages, alerts, or important notifications. By toggling SMS fallback, users can rest assured that their messages will be delivered promptly. This way, they can avoid potential customer frustration or missed opportunities. And with excellent deliverability, SMS can reach anyone with a mobile phone, making it ideal for user authentication.

SMS fallback works across various mobile phone networks and devices; it caters to both Android and iOS users. It supports RCS (Rich Communication Services), iMessage text, and others falling back to regular text messages when necessary, thus maximizing reach and ensuring high deliverability. Not to mention, SMS is integral to an omnichannel communication approach, as it offers convenience and speed.

Benefits of Having Fallback on SMS Messages

The implementation of SMS fallback offers numerous benefits, ranging from high deliverability and reliability in time-sensitive situations to cost-effectiveness and compatibility across devices and networks. Using this as part of their communication strategy, businesses can enhance their reach, resilience, and overall messaging effectiveness.

1. High Deliverability

SMS fallback guarantees text delivery, regardless of the recipient's network coverage or device compatibility. By taking advantage of this traditional yet indispensable channel as a fallback option, businesses can reach their audience reliably. This way, they can make sure that important messages like emergency alerts and limited-time promotions are received promptly.

2. Reliability in Time-Sensitive Situations

In urgent situations, such as transactional alerts or emergency SMS notifications, every moment counts. fallback provides an invaluable SMS backup option. It guarantees that critical information reaches recipients without delay, thereby mitigating potential risks or adverse consequences.

3. Cost-Effectiveness

Unlike some internet-based messaging channels that may incur additional charges for data usage or premium features, SMS fallback operates within standard text message packages offered by mobile carriers. This ensures cost-effectiveness for both businesses and individuals; it enables them to communicate efficiently without unexpected or unwanted charges.

4. Compatibility Across Devices and Networks

SMS fallback is compatible with a wide range of devices, including older Android devices and Apple devices, providing broad accessibility for both Android and iOS users. It works seamlessly across various mobile phone networks, which eliminates compatibility issues and enhances reach.

5. Enhanced Reach with RCS Support

With support for RCS messages falling back to regular text messages when necessary, SMS fallback extends its reach even further. This way, you know that multimedia content, typing indicators, and other advanced features supported by RCS are seamlessly delivered to recipients.

6. Resilience Against Technical Issues

In the event of technical issues or disruptions with the internet connection, SMS fallback serves as a reliable backup option. By ensuring message delivery even in the face of technical challenges, businesses can maintain uninterrupted communication with their customers and stakeholders.

7. Backup Option for Important Messages

For businesses sending critical information, such as account alerts, appointment reminders, or authentication codes, SMS fallback provides a dependable backup option. This safeguards against missed opportunities or communication failures.

8. Increased Control with Toggle SMS Message Fallback

By allowing users to toggle SMS fallback on or off based on their preferences or specific requirements, businesses can exercise greater control over their messaging strategy. This flexibility enables them to adapt to changing circumstances and tailor their communication approach accordingly, optimizing efficiency and effectiveness.

9. Seamless Integration with Messaging Protocols

SMS fallback seamlessly integrates with existing messaging protocols, ensuring compatibility and interoperability across various platforms and systems. This simplifies implementation and maintenance processes for businesses, reducing complexity and streamlining communication workflows.

10. Instant SMS Notifications

Automatic SMS fallback messages enable delivery via push notifications, ensuring instant notification and engagement with recipients. This real-time communication capability is particularly valuable in situations where time-sensitive information needs to be conveyed promptly, enhancing responsiveness and customer satisfaction.

How Does SMS Fallback Work?

SMS fallback operates as a fail-safe mechanism that offers delivery even when other channels encounter disruptions.

1. Messaging Protocol Development

SMS fallback is integrated into the messaging protocol developed by service providers. This protocol defines the rules and procedures for message transmission, including fallback mechanisms in case of delivery failure via alternative messaging channels.

2. Alternative Messaging Channel Activation

When a user sends a message through a messaging app or platform, the system attempts to deliver it via the primary communication method, such as internet-based messaging or push notification.

3. Activation Trigger

If the message fails to reach the recipient through the primary text-only channel due to network issues, device compatibility issues, or other factors, the system automatically activates SMS fallback as an alternative messaging channel.

4. SMS Message Delivery

The message is then converted into an SMS format and delivered to the recipient's device through their network provider. This ensures that the text reaches the intended recipient, even if they are unable to receive messages through the primary communication method.

SMS fallback text delivery, ensuring that important information is conveyed promptly to the recipient. This immediate delivery feature is crucial for time-sensitive messages, such as transactional alerts or emergency notifications.

5. Compatibility Across Devices

SMS fallback is compatible with a wide range of devices, including Apple devices like iPhones. Even if the recipient is using iMessage as their primary messaging platform, SMS fallback ensures that the message is delivered as a standard SMS text, bypassing any restrictions associated with internet-based messaging platforms.

6. Seamless Integration

SMS fallback seamlessly integrates with existing messaging platforms and systems, providing a seamless user experience. Users are often unaware of the fallback process, as it operates discreetly in the background, ensuring uninterrupted communication flow.

Managing and Customizing SMS Fallback

Businesses have the flexibility to manage and customize their SMS fallback settings to align with their specific communication needs and preferences. They can choose to activate or deactivate automatic SMS fallback based on their requirements. This option allows them to control when SMS fallback is utilized, ensuring that it aligns with their communication strategy.

Adjusting message settings is also possible. Organizations can customize message settings to optimize the delivery of SMS fallback messages. This includes formatting messages to fit within SMS limits, and ensuring that important information is conveyed concisely and effectively.

While SMS fallback offers reliability and immediacy, businesses should be mindful of potential costs associated with using SMS as a fallback option. To minimize expenses, businesses can optimize their message content to fit within SMS limits, avoiding unnecessary images or multimedia content that may incur additional charges.

SMS messages have limited space, which may pose challenges when delivering complex or lengthy messages. Businesses can address this limitation by prioritizing essential information and using concise language to deliver their message effectively.

Businesses should consider their communications budget when utilizing SMS fallback. By monitoring usage and implementing cost-saving strategies, such as optimizing message content and negotiating favorable rates with network providers, businesses can manage their communications expenses effectively.

Not to mention, they must also take into account storage issues and the availability of read receipts when customizing their SMS fallback settings. This ensures that messages are delivered efficiently and recipients are notified of message receipt.

Can Recipients Deactivate Automatic SMS Fallback?

Both senders and recipients have the option to enable or disable SMS fallback messages on their devices.

How to Use the SMS Fallback Service on the Dexatel Platform

  • Craft a sample text message to send to your recipients. Click on “Create Template” and then enter the name, message body, attachments if necessary, and more.

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  • Create an audience, a list of recipients who wish to receive similar messages from your company and have shared interests.

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  • Choose a method to import contacts in bulk or add them individually.

  • If you choose to import contacts, select the file with all their information.

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  • Create your Viber campaign.

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  • Come up with a name for your campaign so you can distinguish it from others.

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  • Craft a compelling message for your campaign with a strong CTA to urge recipients to take action.

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  • Select sender and recipients, and fill out the information regarding who you want to receive your message.

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  • Make sure you have the SMS fallback option enabled by ticking the box.

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  • Double-check everything before sending your message on its way. 

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