
What IsVoIP Texting?

VoIP texting, also known as text over VoIP, refers to the use of a virtual phone number to send and receive text messages.

Unlike traditional phone services that require a cellular network, Voice over Internet Protocol texting only needs an internet connection. This means businesses can send and receive messages from virtually any device connected to the internet, be it a computer, tablet, or mobile phone. 

How Does VoIP SMS Work?

VoIP SMS texting works by converting text messages into data packets, transmitting them over the internet, and then converting them back into a text message on the recipient's end. This process is seamless and instantaneous, making it an efficient communication method.

To use VoIP text messaging, businesses need a VoIP service provider. After signing up and downloading the app, they can send and receive text messages. Certain VoIP SMS services even allow the use of an existing phone number, making the transition even smoother.

The Benefits of VoIP Messaging

VoIP texting offers a number of benefits that can enhance business operations as well as the customer experience. These include:


VoIP providers often offer affordable pricing plans. This makes them a cost-effective communication solution for companies and organizations. Moreover, VoIP texting uses internet data instead of traditional cellular networks, which means businesses can send unlimited messages without worrying about additional charges per SMS text. 

Scalability and Automation

Many VoIP solutions provide scalable automation features that can handle messaging in high volumes. Businesses can leverage VoIP messaging within their systems and automate their texting efforts, such as sending appointment reminders, transactional notifications, and promotional texts. This allows for streamlining operations and offering timely and efficient customer service, whether it’s replying to inquiries or providing updates on services. 

Integration Capabilities

VoIP messaging APIs allow for effortless integration with various platforms and business applications. This enables brands to incorporate the solution into their existing communication infrastructure, marketing automation tools, and customer relationship management systems. It helps in enhancing efficiency and productivity in addition to facilitating a unified and cohesive approach to business messaging. Besides communicating with customers, it also improves internal communication, making it easier for employees to share updates and collaborate on tasks. 

Enhanced Reach

VoIP makes it possible for companies to reach customers all over the world. It enables sending SMS texts to international phone numbers without the restrictions of local carriers. This helps in expanding the reach of a brand’s communication efforts and allowing for customer engagement on a global scale. 

Multimedia Communication

As opposed to traditional SMS, VoIP messaging can support multimedia communication. Companies can send images, videos, documents, as well as location data via the VoIP message. This helps in improving communication and allows brands to offer richer content that can boost customer engagement. 

Great Return on Investment

In addition to being cost-effective, using VoIP to text also offers a huge return on investment. This includes the amount of time saved in addition to lead conversion and customer acquisition. As a matter of fact, statistics have shown that VoIP can help startups in minimizing expenses by 90%. Moreover, a business can save an average of 50% from making use of VoIP services. 

VoIP Text Messaging in Business

VoIP text messaging is a powerful tool that can transform business communication. Whether it’s a small business looking to streamline its operations or a large corporation aiming to enhance customer service, it can cater to the business messaging needs.

Moreover, VoIP texting can help businesses stay competitive in the digital age. By adopting this technology, companies can provide a modern and efficient communication channel that meets their customers' expectations. Common use cases of VoIP for business text messaging include:

Offering Customer Support

Multichannel solutions play an integral role in quality customer support. A VoIP number offers the versatility to carry out phone calls and communicate with customers via text simultaneously from a single number. It allows businesses to handle several inquiries without much effort and allocate conversations to different team members, thereby reducing response times. 

Sending Mass Updates

With SMS VoIP, businesses can stay connected with customers, partners, as well as employees with a unified channel of communication. This can include instantly broadcasting an SMS message to an entire group. A business can also segment its audiences to share tailored messages to a certain group of recipients. 

Sharing Scheduling Reminders

By combining VoIP with text messaging, businesses can make sure no meetings or appointments are missed. A few examples include scheduling SMS reminders to be sent in advance, sharing trackable links with calendar alerts, and integrating SMS with scheduling software. 

Texting Post-Conference Follow Ups

VoIP numbers often come in handy for large conference calls. Once the call ends, however, businesses can still use the number to send out follow-up materials to invitees. They can also set up messages with follow-up guidelines to be sent when the meeting is over. 

VoIP Messaging Best Practices

When making use of VoIP for texting purposes, there are certain best practices a business should take into consideration. These include:

Responding in Real Time

Customers expect a timely response from a business they’re reaching out to. It is therefore important that automated VoIP messaging is set up to reply in real time. Ideally, the response should come after a minute or two instead of immediately. The latter would be an explicit indicator of a bot. Setting up the automated response to go out within two minutes, however, will make the communication feel more human. 

Using a Short Code

A short code is a 5 or 6-digit number that a business can use to send a text message. Unlike a 10-digit phone number, a short code is easier to remember and can help in boosting brand recognition. It is known for being the fastest and most convenient way to send and receive messages, making it ideal for SMS alerts, promotional texts, and two-factor authentication. 

Obtaining Permission 

Businesses are legally required to get permission from their customers before sending them SMS text messages. This permission comes in the form of opt-ins. Common ways to do so include providing online opt-in forms and getting customers to text a keyword. It’s similarly important to give recipients the option to opt out of SMS campaigns. Checking with local regulations can help to clear up legalities. 

Implementing Data-Driven Strategies

VoIP with SMS provides analytics as well as campaign tracking methods. Brands should use that information to pinpoint which SMS marketing campaigns are yielding more engagement and avoid wasting time on ones that aren’t. This includes monitoring the performance of text messages in terms of open rates and conversions and strategizing future operations. Details like demographics, open rates, and customer satisfaction are all worth accounting for in this regard.

Adopting a Personal Approach

An automated VoIP text needs to sound as human as possible. Customers are more likely to respond to a message that feels conversational than a robotic one. A company can be professional while sounding friendly and approachable at the same time. Messages that are affable and relatable are more welcomed than ones that come across as orders. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Trace a VoIP Number and a Text Message?

Although it is possible, tracing a VoIP number and text can be a challenge because of how VoIP technology works. Voice over IP enables users to send text messages over the internet, which makes it difficult to trace their origin. As opposed to traditional phone systems, VoIP numbers aren’t tied to physical locations since they can be used from anywhere via an internet connection. 

However, a VoIP number can be traced with the help of the service provider, who may have access to records that can be used for identifying the user. Nevertheless, the potential for anonymity as well as the use of encryption or virtual numbers make it hard to get hold of reliable and accurate information.

Can a VoIP Phone Receive Texts?

VoIP phones with texting capabilities are widely available. Even though Voice over IP systems are mainly associated with voice calls, many VoIP service providers offer text messaging as an advanced feature. Users can send and receive SMS messages via their VoIP phone numbers. 

Then again, the specific functionalities of a VoIP phone vary from one service provider to another. They also depend on the type of VoIP phone being used. While certain phones may only allow for voice calls, others may support two-way SMS texting. 

Can You Text a Non-Fixed VoIP Number?

It is possible to send SMS messages to non-fixed VoIP numbers as well as fixed ones. Non-fixed Voice over IP numbers are virtual phone numbers that aren’t linked to a certain physical location. Although they’re primarily used for carrying out voice calls, they may also support sending and receiving text messages. 

Texting a non-fixed VoIP number is the same as texting a conventional mobile. It involves composing the text from the messaging app, entering the recipient’s non-fixed number, and sending the message. However, the compatibility of SMS messaging with non-fixed VoIP numbers depends on the service provider as well as the VoIP system being used.