
Zapier Tutorial: How to Use Dexatel’s Services Via Zapier

Diana Nersisyan
Diana NersisyanProduct Owner

Published: Sep 19, 2023

Zapier Dexatel Integration Tutorial

Dexatel recently teamed up with Zapier, joining the latter’s extensive network of more than 5,000 app integrations. Collaborations like this prove beneficial for all parties involved, including the users. In this case, Dexatel gets to provide its services through an additional channel, while Zapier adds to its wealth of integrations. As for the users, they get the best of both worlds. 

But what exactly is Zapier? Simply put, it’s a platform with a customizable interface where users can create workflows. It allows businesses to automate recurring tasks, saving a great deal of time and effort as a result. 

Understanding the Integration

As a workflow automation platform, Zapier gives teams the control and convenience they need to carry out their day-to-day operations. These include business messaging, which is where Dexatel enters the scene. By leveraging Zapier’s automation tools and Dexatel’s communication services, businesses can streamline their messaging efforts. 

With the immediacy of features like bulk text messaging, users can benefit from a broader reach, increased efficiency, and better engagement. And thanks to automation, they can do all this with minimum effort. 

What You Can Do With Zapier’s Dexatel Integration

Using the Dexatel integration with Zapier gives you access to Dexatel’s core functions. These include sending individual SMS messages, bulk texting, and adding to your contact list.

Send a Single SMS

Zapier’s Dexatel app makes sending individual SMS messages easy. Whether you’re sending appointment reminders or updating a buyer about their order, the integration guarantees prompt and efficient delivery of messages. You can remind a customer about an upcoming payment, and once they pay, you can confirm that the transfer was successful.  

Suppose you had a meeting or consultation with a client. Once it’s over, you can provide additional information or thank the client for their time. You can also inform a customer when a product they were interested in is back in stock. 

Send a Bulk SMS

The Dexatel integration lets you send bulk messages to a broad audience, allowing you to deliver various types of messages straight from your Zapier account.

You can keep your audience engaged by sharing discounts, time-limited offers, or new product launches. This helps you boost sales and foster loyalty among customers. Another use case is informing clients about scheduled maintenance, service interruptions, and critical updates. 

If you’re hosting a webinar, workshop, or product launch, you can use SMS to extend invitations to your contacts. You can also reconnect with inactive leads and re-engage them through special offers. The integration also allows you to update customers on changes to loyalty programs or exclusive VIP member deals.

SMS Marketing Pricing

We use a pay-as-you-go pricing model, meaning we charge per sent message. No monthly or sign-up fees. SMS marketing costs vary depending on your destination.

Add a Contact

Another core feature that’s available with Zapier’s Dexatel integration is the ability to add contacts to your SMS list. Your contacts must consent to receive SMS communications from you. Sending unsolicited text messages is illegal in many countries. To make sure you’re compliant with privacy regulations while texting, you’ll want the recipient to opt in first. 

There are many ways to collect opt-ins from your audience. The most common is by creating a keyword that customers can text to subscribe. Another method is to set up an opt-in form on your website. QR codes can also be a practical way for customers to subscribe to your SMS campaigns. But compliance doesn’t end with opt-ins; it’s equally important to provide opt-out options, among other measures like the protection and secure handling of customer data.  

Why Choose Dexatel?

Following the collaboration between the two platforms, Zapier users can conveniently access quality communication tools through the Dexatel integration. Dexatel prioritizes secure, user-friendly, and cost-efficient messaging. With advantages like robust data security, immediate implementation, and dedicated customer support, businesses can communicate with their audience confidently, knowing they have access to top-notch solutions.

How to Use the Dexatel Integration

Dexatel’s integration with Zapier combines the efforts of both platforms to create a powerful solution for users. Here’s how you can access and use the unified services:

1. Sign in to your Zapier account or create a new one via Google, Facebook, Microsoft, or your work email.

2. From the top menu bar, head over to “My Apps.”

3. Select “Connect a new account” and look for “APP.”

4. Enter your credentials to link your APP account to Zapier.

5. Once you connect your APP account, You can move on to setting up an automation task by using a pre-made Zap or creating your own with the Zap Editor. You don’t need coding knowledge to create a Zap. The system will walk you through the process step by step.